Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday 19 October

Today was our most productive yet. By 9am Fish and I had sealed the underside of the sole using 4 parts epoxy resin and 1 part epoxy hardener. Spreading with a roller and rolling tray. And by 11.45 am, we had sealed the bottom inside surface of the hull, floors and floor partners. The inside surface finish was not as clean. Because Fish poured on the epoxy from an ice cream container and rolled it on, rather than gaining an even distribution with the rolling tray. Below is a photo of the result.

From 2010-10

The longitudinal girders were slightly warped, so I attached a baton athwartships and fastened a lofting pin to both gunnels. From there I found the right place for each longitudinal girderi.e. where it was perpendicular to the sole. I fastened the girder in place with a pilot hole and lofting pin.

Below is a photo.

I also had laminated two sheets of 6mm ply for the forward face of the engine box. It was large enough to be the engine box shelf. The shelf begins 200 mm below the lowest point of the transom. It extends outwards and upwards at an 80 degree angle from the transom. I must remember to lower the measurement by 12mm as the shelf currently sits on top of the line.

From 2010-10

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