Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday 11 October

Today it was just Shaun, Jeff and I. We worked on cutting the slots in the sole for the longitudinal girder to fit through. The jigsaw blade had heated up and gone blunt. It was more difficult to cut with. We also circle sawed two holes on the inside of the engine box. The pipe goes from the fuel tank through several floors and through the sole into the engine box. By the end of the day, Jeff had also fitted the partners which run along the longitudinal girder and support the sole.

Tomorrow is a big day. Richard has instructed us to cut the shape of the transom so that we will find it easier to work around and so that we can get an idea of the scale of things. If we do cut it, I will be cut 10mm above the designated shape. A front face made of two 6mm strips of plywood to make a 12 mm front for the engine box. The join could be done with a butt joint supported by a doubler 50 mm molded and 30 mm sided. The bottom also requires a doubler of the same dimensions.

Below is shows what the process of finding the right slot to cut for the girders. It was easiest to measure from the centreline to the inside edge of the girder and transfer this to the sole.

From 2010-10-11 fone pix

From 2010-10-11 fone pix

Gabbys pattern double checked

From 2010-10-11 fone pix

The sole fits.

From 2010-10-11 fone pix

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