Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday 18 Octorber

Today the whole class was back into action. Fish would become indispensible in coving and taping the engine box girders. We found the materials and did a dry run, by cutting the right lengths. After morning tea we were ready to cove and Fish prepared the epoxy glue mix. But we had forgot to give the previous coving a light sand and I made the call to stop the coving, clean up and sand it properly. This may have been the right plan because after lunch we did a really good job.

From 2010-10

I think this went well for my first time glassing and taping on a wet cove. It was important to have everything prefit. We had not prefit the peel ply though. This was not good for time and it made a mess. Wetting out the glass before laying it over the cove was a bit messy. But the peel ply and compression rollers helped make a clean finish.

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