Removed the temporary fastenings which held sole onto floors (with doublers) and king plank (supported by gusset and doubler). Fish sanded the sole surface and coved sole edge which will prevent any flexing and movement as we finish the remaining forward cockpit sole area. I dry fitted some spare doublers to the longitudinal floor. This floor divides the cockpit sole with the galley sole it runs at a 15 degree angle from the centre line of the gas tank bay floor to starboard on the first bulkhead. The height of the galley's sole is flush to the internal bulkhead area.
Jobs to finish cockpit sole include:
1. Glue in the doubler and gussets to remaining floors.
2. Refit king planks.
3. Glue and cove longitudinal floor (with doublers) dividing cockpit and galley.
4. Fit remaining cockpit sole.
These are my goals, but our classes priority is to laminate the cabin top mold. Because it will be difficult to laminate the entire cabin top at the same time, due to technical and resin cure time constraints. It will be laminated in 4 segments.
Tasks involved with the cabin top mold:
6 Layers of wax and 2 coats of PVA Foam (green) were applied recently.
EC200 cloth and EDB415 glass dry fitted and weighed.
Dry fit 15 mm Airex Foam Core Around shape of mold and around window plugs.
Bake foam so that it conforms to the curved areas
Using 60 Resin / 40 Glass Ratio
Glass wighed in at 8.2 KG X 1.5 = 12.3 kg Resing + 700 grams of peel ply
Tools for Laminating:
Rollers, paint brush 25mm, compression rollers, acetone, squigees, packaging tape, masking tape, vacuum tape.
First segment is the cabin top roof area.
1. Vacuum tape
2. Wet out and locate inner peel ply
3. Boat cloth = butted together
4. Double bias overlapped 50 mm
5. Peel ply roll down with compression rollers
Laminate foam:
Remove peel ply
Wet out foam with resin
Paint foam with slurry
Place on mold
Lay out peel ply and smooth on with a brush
Lay perferated plastic
Lay green mesh
Lay vaccuum bag
Remove vaccuum tape making sure there is no resin over flow
Make pleats or darts regularly to make maximum amount of bag on the job
Check for any air leaks use ear to find them and plug gap with vacuum tape
Fill foam:
Remove bag carefully so it can be reused.
Remove green mesh, perforated plastic, and vacuum tape.
Remove peel ply carefully to avoid pre-release
Fill foam with bog
Laminate second layers of DB and EC:
Sand inset area where double bias will join and overlap
Cove window frames
Vacuum and or blow away excess particles
Coat of resin on foam
Coat of resin with coloidal silica on foam
Lay Double Bias with overlap - Pour resin over and work it with squigee
Lay boat cloth - Pour resin over and work it with squigee
Peel ply - work it
Perforated cloth
Bleeder cloth
Vacuum bag
Check for leaks and therefore loss of suction
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