Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday 21 September

Yesterdays miscommunication, lead to spending half the day mending the engine box longitudinal girder with a biscuit join. We spindle molded a 4 mm slot in each end to be joined. And sanded down the rough cutting damage the band saw had made. And shaped a 4mm ply insert or biscuit to slot between the two joins. Brushed resin onto the faying surfaces and glued them with a runny glue powder mix. Nailing the base to the table and clamping a taped flat plank of timber to the join. See below.

From Boat Construction Blog

This afternoon, I looked at how the pipes would fit through the engine box side under the sole and then rise through the stem into the engine box space. Here is a pic which shows the work in progress.

From Boat Construction Blog

Whilst another part of the group worked on the cabin top mold cutting foam for the dryfit and label of the Airex 15mm foam.

From Boat Construction Blog

Today, was a relatively productive day, and I went home feeling pretty tired. I look forward to making the most of our practical session in the afternoon so we can have the soles, engine box and pipes all dry fitted to look neat and tidy.

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